Sunday, November 20, 2011

Flash Mob!

Hello everyone, just wanted to say sorry for neglecting my blog for over a month! I'll try to post regularly over the next (and last) month I'm in Estonia! I have three posts I've been meaning to write and here is the first one! Sorry if it's a bit lacking in detail, it was a while ago so memories get a bit fuzzy.

Anyway...For about a month a large group of international students practiced a very basic routine (three simple 8-counts repeated three times) to Michael Jackson's "Beat It." The flash mob took place on October 17th in the main square of Tartu. I have attached a few videos from different angles so you can get the full effect of the dance. It lasted less than three minutes but we got a nice crowd and it was a lot of fun.

I'm in the back left corner wearing gray and white, you can see me in some of the videos but not all of them. Be sure to watch the guy (Vignesh) at the front of the mob...he has perfected Michael's style of dancing and is a real inspiration.

The dancing doesn't start until about 1:45 minutes girl sitting in a window.

You can see me in this one for the first three counts...back left with a white and a big blue scarf and grey hat.

A nice black and white version, it doesn't start until about 0:44 minutes in

And the last one, I swear (the blond girl in the fron in brown pants and a teal shirt is my best girl friend here (Karee from Idaho..go figure!)

This was pretty cool to do and I'm so happy to have been a part of the first flash mob in Estonia!

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